This week on my website, I started to rearrange and add sections on each page. Prior to editing my page, I had all my information including my work experience, education, and biography on the home page. After realizing that my home page was cluttered, I made my home page smaller and moved all the information to their perceptive pages. I created a project page that included links and pictures of projects that I have done throughout my minor and high school. In addition to the project page, I added a capstone project section. I also started to remove standard photos that were included in the template and replace them with photos of my own/photos that reflected me as a person. As I continue to edit my website, there are many ways I plan on doing to convey my identity or “brand” on my website. I plan on making it more personal by adding random facts about me and my interests. I also plan on adding more pictures that I have taken to make the website highlight my personality and bring it to life. I plan on adding more interesting facts about myself and putting it somewhere on the about page or completely changing the about page to an interest page where I will include hobbies and things that I like to do. For example, I am thinking about including my love for creating pottery and going to concerts. There are many ways in which I can convey my identity in a positive and clear manner. I look forward to continuing to edit my website since a website is never really ever finished.
Conveying My Identity
Updated: Oct 19, 2021